About Us

Every shot pulled, each drink served, and every connection made: Todo con amor.

ROMA pursues the constant innovation of coffee culture while maintaining a hospitable and sustainable approach. We are a specialty mobile coffee bar based and operated in Southern California.

Having been immersed in the culture around coffee, we began exploring and discovering the nuances of specialty coffee, along with the delicate care and love placed into every step in the process. We wanted to build upon what it meant to be “specialty”. Rather than pushing an idea of exclusivity amongst coffee, we aim to build a community of people with a passion for compassion.

We meticulously source roasters based on their values in the industry. While taste is a rather fundamental facet in the specialty coffee experience, we place a greater emphasis on corporate transparency and ethical buying. This includes the issuance of living wages for farmers and the expansion of relationships built between the roasters and farmers.

To create a beautiful cup, we observe each essential step taken that has enabled the love for taste, the environment, and the connections made over these drinks.


Hailey Winkelman
Owner, ROMA Coffee Collective

Geovany Lemieux
Owner, ROMA Coffee Collective